A Nourishing Meal

Most of you who know me will know that I am a true foodie- I love researching food,shopping for food, preparing food, eating food and gathering people around me to share in the delight of eating together.  A nourishing meal fills you up, in so many ways. Lately our work here at TNNS is like a rich, complex meal- filled with individually exciting ingredients and then all blending together to make something special and memorable. It is joyful work and yet it only comes with hard work and attention. Our team has been so SO busy with so many things, here are a few of them:

  • Walk for Wenjack- we raised $650, thank you everyone!
  • Blackberry Removal around Apple tree and Oak trees
  • Compost and wood chip deliveries and hauling over to Food Forest
  • BC Aboriginal Child Care Society Conference- presenting and attending
  • Creating Pathways to Licensed Outdoor Childcare in BC symposium in Victoria-attending
  • the NAREA conference and all that launched for us as a team- a LOT!
  • Fixing broken washing machine (thanks Katharina) and upkeeping wagons, tools and toys
  • Lots of thinking about documentation and children’s learning
  • Supporting each child and family in all our programs
  • Creating interesting and informed programming for the children
  • Supporting all our B4W programs
  • Compiling and placing order for art supplies (thanks Kate!)
  • Writing proposals/ grant applications for some cool new projects- more information to come soon!

Enjoy these photos of your children doing their work, hopefully with a sense that they too are nourished by a full meal.

With a full heart,
